How does some useful kitchen cleaning tips sound to you?

Admit it, who actually loves cleaning their kitchen?

We don’t mean how your kitchen looks when it is sparkling but we mean the actual activity of putting on some rubber gloves, lining up your cleaning products and then getting started with some elbow grease.

We’re guessing that not many of you volunteer for this job.

At the Kitchen Warehouse we don’t just want to tell you about the latest designs on the market or why replacement kitchen doors can transform your kitchen – we also like to give you practical advice to keep your kitchen in tip top shape.

With our 5 useful kitchen cleaning tips you can ensure that your doors, tiles, sink and everything else looks brand new without spending hours every week rubbing away at tough stains.

White Vinegar Is Great For Grease

For those of you with families you will know the drill already.

The kids (or anyone else for that matter) leave dishes in the sink and they sit there for a while. The best advice to keep your kitchen and dishes in the best condition is to clean them right after you use them but we all know that rarely happens. Tough to remove stains on dishes and grease can take a lot of effort to clean however one of our useful kitchen cleaning tips takes some of this labour away.

Fill a sink with hot water, your usual dish washing liquid and then add 3 or 4 tablespoons of white vinegar. The vinegar helps to get rid of those tough stains and it is a much better option and using a harsh cleaning detergent.

Baking Soda For Wooden Surfaces

The thing about wooden flooring or units is that they look great but they also trap a lot of bacteria. This leads to stains and a lot of dirt that can be difficult to remove.

Baking soda is your friend here and it is one of the best useful kitchen cleaning tips around. Use half a cup of baking soda mixed with warm water and apply with a soft sponge to remove those stains and discoloration on your wooden surfaces. Baking soda is a effective way of lifting grime and dirt and is a less harsher method than using chemicals or vinegar that can dull the overall shine of the wood itself.

Finish by rinsing off with clean water and a soft cloth for the best results.

Tackle Your Oven Head On

The oven is one of the appliances that everyone hates cleaning and we suppose this is why we have included it on our list of useful kitchen cleaning tips.

How many hours have you spent in front of your oven with a bucket of soapy water and a hard sponge to no avail? Again, baking soda is your partner. Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with water and let it sit on the inside of the oven for a while. Next rub it off with warm water and a sponge. If the inside of your oven is particularly dirty (don’t worry, we’ve all had this in our home before) add more baking soda to create a paste.

For your oven racks these are actually quite easy to clean – soak them in warm water and a cleaning solution and the dirt and burn marks should come right off.

Banish Those Kitchen Smells

Ever get a whiff of a bad smell in your kitchen? The bins have been emptied and no food is off in the fridge – so what’s causing it? As you can see from our list so far one of the best useful kitchen cleaning tips is white vinegar and baking soda.

Now it is time to combine the two as that smell could be coming from your kitchen sink. Put one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar down your plug hole and then wash it away with boiling water from your kettle – this should be enough to remove any lingering smells.

For sink stains use juice from half a lemon and mix with a borax substitute. This creates a paste that you can apply to your stainless steel or porcelain enamel sink and then rinse off with a sponge and some fresh warm water to remove stains.

Bring Your Cupboards To Life

Finally we have your kitchen cupboards. Many useful kitchen cleaning tips ignore your cupboards however they can be hard to clean.

The inside of your cupboards especially get very dirty if not cleaned effectively. One of the most useful kitchen cleaning tips is to empty your cupboards on a regular basis, throw away anything that is out of date (it seems like common sense but many people simply shove everything back in), use a toothbrush with cleaning solution to clean dirt from the edges and take a soft wet cloth to do the rest.

This should get the inside of your kitchen cupboards back to their original state.

Your Useful Kitchen Cleaning Tips

We have only scratched the surface here when it comes to useful kitchen cleaning tips for your home.

Do you have any home remedies that get your kitchen gleaming again? Have you found a cleaning tip that tackles dirt, grime and stains?

We’d love to hear your useful kitchen cleaning tips!

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