Getting your kitchen in ship shape is one of the first things people do after they have new kitchen cabinets fitted. Organisation is central here and understanding that everything has a place is very important. But how do you make this the case?
Here at Kitchen Warehouse LTD, we’ve created a list of some great tips that will help you get your kitchen in the best possible shape and nice and orderly.
Empty Kitchen Cabinets
If you have a new kitchen then this might not be something that will really apply to you. However, if not then you will need to remove all the items from your kitchen cabinets ideally. Remove the items you seldom if ever use. Being ruthless is important as it ensures you only keep the things you use and love, which is significantly important. House moving boxes are ideal for this.
Like for Like
When all of the items have been moved from your kitchen cabinets and units and you’ve thrown out all you don’t need, then group same items together. Placing baking, cooking, certain food items, glassware and other goods together into a pile allows you the chance to keep them together and makes the whole act of keeping the kitchen tidy for the long term a far easier one. Knowing there is a place for everything and knowing where that is will ensure it’s easier to keep things that way.
Decisions on Kitchen Cabinet Space
Deciding what should go together and where those set groups of items should go is very important. Being savvy here and placing the items that are used in certain areas near those areas works well. For instance, utensils should be placed nearer a prep drawer, while sugar and mugs near where you make the tea. This means you have less of a distance to travel when making goods or when you need items. Additionally, it also means you’re more likely to put things back in the right place when finished with them, as there is less of a hassle to do so.

complete new kitchen units at there best
Being able to see where items are is important. Store your items in clear jars and containers as this will make sure you know what and where things are and also aren’t left with lots of half empty packets around the house. This will also help keep things clean and tidy for the long run.
Divide the drawers
One of the reasons people’s drawers are the most feared part of the kitchen is down to the simple fact they tend to be a massive mess as they are hard to organise. However, adding a few drawer dividers to your drawers can really make the difference here. This allows you to easily separate things and assign a space for all the items, picking them as you need them.
Vertical Areas in the Kitchen
Vertical spaces are also often overlooked too. There is often a lot of wall space in a kitchen for holding mugs above the countertop and using racks, shelving, hooks and even a ceiling rack for pots makes it a lot easier for you to make more of the space and keep your kitchen tidier too. This can free up a lot of flat space from inside the cupboards and allow you to make the most of your kitchen cupboards.
Recipes, coupons, notes – they all end up accumulating on kitchen tables, on worktops and on other areas. The best way to remedy such an issue is to either hang them on the side of the fridge or alternatively to use magnets or even a section sorter in a part of the kitchen. This will ensure that the paper isn’t left all over the kitchen and it’s kept that bit more organised.
The Fridge
The fridge is one of those places, where out of sight and out of mind reigns strong. We all have items in our fridge that definitely closely cut the line when it comes to best before dates. So, a regular declutter of the fridge can make things a whole lot easier. Getting into a routine will help entice you to keep the fridge clean and will go a long way to keeping your kitchen less cluttered.
What you like to eat will determine what you keep in your fridge, the main idea is to ensure you have the items you require to meet your needs smoothly.
Investing time and effort to keep your fridge and your kitchen clean and tidy will pay dividends in the future, allowing you to serve your needs smoothly and ensures you keep your home as clean and organised as possible.
Our kitchens are designed to have the best practices in mind and there to ensure that keeping your kitchen and home tidy is easy and something that doesn’t cause too many issues. If you’re interested in a set of new kitchen cabinets, we can help you and are experts in our field. We provide kitchens at a very competitive price, cutting out the middleman and take fantastic care of our customers. If you want to discuss your kitchen needs with us, we’d be delighted for you to get in touch.