Kitchens have long since moved on from being functional spaces for the preparation of food to being as stylish as any other room in the home. Colour is an important part of any décor scheme, so here at Kitchen Warehouse, we have provided 10 questions to ask when picking the colour scheme for your new kitchen.
Kitchen Window Direction
Kitchens which face north often benefit from warm colour schemes whereas kitchens which face south can feel too hot if warm colour schemes are used, particularly in summer. Kitchens which face east or west offer more flexibility when it comes to colour choices.
Kitchen Surfaces
Dazzling white and chrome could look amazing as part of an industrial minimalist look in a starter flat for a single person or couple without children. Realistically, however, once children and even some pets come along, it can be helpful if the colour scheme is a bit more forgiving of family life.
How big is the space?
Bold colours and patterns can be overpowering if used throughout small kitchens although they can look great as accents. By contrast, those with bigger kitchens may find that delicate colours and subtle patterns fail to make a meaningful impact over a large space.
Is the décor long-lasting?
In very straightforward terms, décor which is intended to be kept in place over the long term is best kept simple and classic, whereas more risks can be taken with décor which is easily and affordably changed. Tiles, for example, are generally a long-term investment and therefore it’s usually best to play it safe. You can always use decals to change the look from time to time. Paint, however, is affordable and can be quickly and easily changed, so if you decide you’ve made a mistake, it is easily put right and change the kitchen colour.
Kitchen Atmosphere
Do you want a fun and funky space for light entertaining, relaxing and generally enjoying yourself or would you prefer something more formal? As a rule of thumb, if you go for colours which are found next to each other on the colour wheel, you’ll get a more casual effect, whereas opposite colours are more dramatic and formal. This is less about the colours themselves and more about their relationship to each other.
How will you ground the space?
Just as songs have pauses, so most rooms benefit from a visual breathing space, which provides a refreshing contrast to everything else which is going on in the room. That means that where there is a lot of colour, white or black can be used as a refreshing contrast whereas if you are going to go for a colour scheme based on white or black, then you will need a splash of colour somewhere to offset it.
Number of Colours
Professional designers usually use 60/30/10 as a rule of thumb. The 60% colour is, of course, the base colour. The 30% colour is a secondary colour which can be complementary or contrasting depending on the effect you want to create. The final 10% is for an accent colour.
Colours of Neighbouring Rooms
It’s perfectly fine for neighbouring rooms to have different colour schemes but it’s generally best if there’s some element of continuity. If you’ve set your heart on a particular colour scheme for your new kitchen then you may need to look at adapting the décor in a neighbouring room to ensure that both spaces link together visually.
What is in your kitchen?
If you’ve opted for Scandinavian-style units and chrome accessories then you may find it a challenge to implement a “1960s-diner”- style colour scheme. Likewise, if you’ve gone for a vintage Americana look for your kitchen units and appliances then you’ll probably find it easier to go with a colour scheme which complements this rather than taking a completely different approach.
Kitchen Accessories
If you’re in an older home, there might be architectural features you could highlight (or disguise). Alternatively, regardless of the age of your home, you may have personal items to put on display and may prefer to put the focus on these items rather than on the colour scheme.
Choosing a kitchen colour can be one of the hardest parts of choosing a new kitchen and is something a lot of people can be quite wary of. Following these tips will help you make a decision and choose the right colour for your kitchen space.
If you want any more advice we’d be happy to help over the phone or in person at our warehouse – so take advantage of the opportunity by getting in contact with our team by calling 01765 640 000. We look forward to hearing from you.